Who Am I?

Hi! I’m Candace! I am a wife, mama, and entrepreneur. I love the quiet of the morning, a good strong cup of coffee, fresh flowers, traveling with my family and most importantly; finding the joy in the everyday.  I love to help mama's find life giving routines that make a big impact in their everyday lives. Most days you'll find me at home, teaching and training my littles, running a business and writing workshops, cooking dinner, and listening to every podcast & sermon I can squeeze in throughout the day-- always in the effort to become the best version of myself and love my people well! I’m a firm believer that we are all in it together- and I am so glad you are here.  I hope you find encouragement, inspiration, and some good old fashioned solidarity here- because momming ain’t easy but it is awesome! Let’s find more of the awesome together!


Everyday Grace

This space is for the fighters, the ones who dare to get in the ring of their own precious life.  The ones who can take a punch and stand back up again. The ones who are often tempted, but would never actually throw in the towel.  But seriously, boxing analogies aside- If you are here, it’s because you have the desire to live the victorious life- and not just in the mountain top moments- but in the everyday.

I believe we weren’t meant to be overcome by the struggles and disappointments of life.  We are meant to be overcomers- in the everyday.

I get it, the everyday ain’t easy- but the people we love are worth it.  I believe we can overcome in the everyday by getting focused on what really matters and anchoring our time and our talents around those things.

If you are like me and the community of women that gather here, you have struggled with the everyday.  You wonder if you are really living out your purpose. You wonder if you are doing a good job. Deep down you struggle to know if you are really loved.  I know because I struggle too.

But just like you, I am a fighter.  I fight to live a life that is marked by joy and peace. I struggle to arise out of the overwhelm and into the abundant life amidst making dinner and wiping little buns.

I have fought hard for the Overcoming. Depression knocks at my door far too often, and I can’t give it an inch before it takes a mile.   I have spent far too many days just trying to get out of bed. Far too many days wondering if I had “missed” my calling or if somebody else could be a better wife, mama, or friend then me.  Far too many days just getting though the day. Far too many days imagining a different life then being fully present and awake to the amazing life I already had.

I full out refuse to “just get through it.” This one precious life we get to live- well I want to live it to the full.  I am not settling for small. I am not settling for depressed. I am not settling for half hearted living or reminiscing on the times I was fully happy.  I am living for today, for the beauty in the everyday and I want that for you too.

I pray you’ll find hope here.  I pray you’ll find simple solutions alongside soulful reflections that will help us all love each other and our people better.  I hope you will leave these pages feeling more equipped to not only face the day, but to serve and love your people well- and enjoy the heck out of it.

Join me as we pursue the abundant life in the everyday, together.